“Barbier Security Group's Selection and Training process is one of the most rigorous and thorough in the security industry.”

- Evan Barbier, Founder & CEO


An in-depth telephone interview with the applicant is the first stage in the application process. If the applicant is found to possess the necessary qualities to proceed a formal interview, including an oral board, is arranged.

The formal interview and oral board is always conducted with the CEO and VP as well as an additional manager and supervisor. The interview allows the management to decide if the applicant is a good fit for the company. The applicant will go over their work and life history and discuss their personal strengths and weaknesses. This interview also gives the applicant the opportunity to ask management any questions they have related to the daily duties of the job and what type of assignments are available.

If the applicant is chosen to continue in the process, they are required to undergo a Police Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) style background investigation and reference check. Our background investigators are P.O.S.T. certified and use a variety of electronic and interview based methods to ensure the applicants' resume is accurate. If more information is required, the applicant will be contacted to provide additional references or clarify certain information.

Once an applicant meets the necessary requirements for the duties of the position, they will be presented with a formal conditional job offer, pending a 12 panel drug test.

At BSG we believe that "selection is a never ending process". All employees are required to consent to ongoing random drug, nicotine and alcohol tests and regular performance reviews.



After the applicant accepts the conditional job offer they begin their training process at our in-house training facility the Barbier Security Group Training Center. It is at the BSG Training Center where the applicant will be introduced to all BSG company policies, email etiquette, use of force policies, report writing and reporting procedures. The applicant will also be required to take a Physical Training Course (PTC) that consists of a trail run, push ups  sit-ups, and various other strength-training exercises. Following the PTC the applicant will receive in depth training in Defensive Tactics, OC Pepper Spray, Taser Training, Patrol Operations, and dealing with difficult people.

Upon completion of their training, the applicant will receive the title of Security Agent and begin a 6-month probationary period. During this period, they will receive continuous onsite training and evaluations from supervisors. Supervisors and management will work closely with them to ensure they are meeting all of BSG's expectations.

All Security Agents are required to go through additional training year round, including OC, Taser and Defensive Tactics refresher courses. Other trainings also include Baton, Firearms and scenario based role-playing where Security Agents enter an environment and encounter a variety of live scenarios. Role-playing and training simulators are used to push the Security Agents into stressful situations that they must work out for themselves; either verbally or through their use of force options, if necessary.

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